About Me

Welcome!  My name is Jennifer Pruett and all those statements are accurate. I joke and say food is my love language, but it’s actually the case. 

It all started as a young girl. My favorite neighbors would take their grandson and I out to eat before I even went to kindergarten. They allowed me to order whatever my heart desired as long as I ate it. I was 3/4/5 years old and eating ribeyes and shrimp. I blame it all on them. They opened my eyes to food. I was known to knock back a couple of Shirley Temple’s as well. We would do steakhouses and Red Lobster on the normal. I will forever be grateful for all their sharing and hospitality. They cross my mind often and remind me where it all started. 

When I was growing up unfortunately I didn’t take much interest in learning to cook. That was a  huge mistake. My mother was an awesome cook as was my grandma. I just wanted to eat the food. Fast forward to 7th grade and I purchased a cookie cookbook. My whole life changed.  I started wanting to know more about how to make things.  I still didn’t take it serious enough to write down my elders recipes or ask them recipes for certain items. I regret that so much today. That one cookbook lead me to a collection of over 4,000 of them. 

I dabbled in food on and off for a few years. I worked at a couple of restaurants. Also during those years I always partnered with my mom to make Christmas candy each and every year. We would take orders and usually make 200-300 pounds of candy and dozens of cookies. Her and I made such a great team. 

In 2009 I went to culinary school at The Art Institute of Indianapolis where I studied Baking and Pastry.   I earned a certificate. I have always wanted to do something with food (besides eat all the things) but haven’t quite figured it out yet 

Join me on my culinary journey to discover famous places and hidden gems located in Indianapolis, In and beyond. Grab your fork and let’s get eating!